Aquatic Plants – Lotus Nelumbo
One of the most popular pond and water garden plants, lotuses are quite often featured as the visual centerpiece of many ponds. They are a perfect refuge for pond koi, providing them with shade and helping to keep the pond cool. They are also extremely beautiful! It is worth remembering that the roots of Lotus plants can be quite invasive, so it is advisable to plant your lotus plants in large pots to help contain their roots.
Aquatic plants are an integral part of your pond’s ecosystem, providing oxygen, filtration and beauty. We usually have many more people looking for lotuses than we can possibly provide plants for, so we encourage you to contact us in the early spring to make sure that you are not disappointed.
Please note that we do not ship plants. If you are interested in a specific variety of lotus plant, please contact us.
Lotus Plants – In-Stock Availability
At Willow Pond Koi Farm in Canandaigua, New York, we offer a wide variety of lotus plants for your pond or Water Garden.
Potted lotus plants are available from early May to August. Lotus tubers are available for shipping from March to April. If you are interested in something specific in Lotus plants, please contact us to determine current stock and availability. We will do our best to help you.